Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

Sunday Morning Worship
at 10:30 AM

Sunday morning worship is at the heart of our fellowship and mission. During worship, we have time both for singing with gusto and sitting in silent reflection. We share our joys and concerns as we encourage and strengthen one another. We study the Bible and listen for a practical understanding for our everyday lives. We cherish our children and invite them for a special time with the pastor during worship and then for Children’s Church where they can learn more. Our service ends with an open invitation for all, regardless of membership in the church, to join us around the Lord’s Table for communion. As every family knows, there is something about eating a meal together that binds our hearts in love.

Special Studies

Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for Bible Study and spiritual growth. These studies meet in person at the church, at a restaurant, in a home, on the phone or by social media.


Twice a year we gather for intensive time of deepening our walk with Jesus through retreats. In the Fall, we gather for a day at the church and in the spring for an over-night retreat at a local retreat center.

Prayer Partners & Spiritual Direction/Counseling

Because we seek a personal walk with the Lord, our elders and ministers are available as prayer partners and for spiritual direction or counseling.
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